Daily Archives: June 24, 2013

Since I Rob Bell's Mars Hill is only a few miles from where I live (he's gone, church is still there), I sort of keep an eye.

Here is Michael Kruger's review of Bell's new book, "What We Talk About When We Talk About God"

In the end, my overall concern about this volume is a simple one: it is not Christian. Bell's makeover of Christianity has changed it into something entirely different. It is not Christianity at all, it is modern liberalism. It is the same liberalism that Machen fought in the 1920's and the same liberalism prevalent in far too many churches today. It is the liberalism that teaches that God exists and that Jesus is the source of our happiness and our fulfillment, but all of this comes apart from any real mention of sin, judgment, and the cross. It is the liberalism that says we can know nothing for sure, except of course, that those "fundamentalists" are wrong. It is the liberalism that appeals to the Bible from time to time, but then simply ignores large portions of it.


How To Read a Book

Not so much for the "how to read" but the "how to review" if the "answer these four questions" segment:

1. What is the book about, as a whole?
2. What is being said, in detail, and how?
3. Is the book true, in whole or in part?
4. What of it? What's the significance, and how?


Same sex "marriage" round up

The Witherspoon Institute focuses not on the "marriage" but how it will affect religious liberty


abortion / gun rights (yes)

"A Good Question" via Gay Patriot

“Many Democrats, when they were arguing for gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting said even if this saves one life it will be worth doing. Why not support this bill then, if it undoubtedly will save lives of babies that have been carried throughout 5 months of pregnancy?“ Many Democrats, when they were arguing for gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting said even if this saves one life it will be worth doing. Why not support this bill then, if it undoubtedly will save lives of babies that have been carried throughout 5 months of pregnancy?”