Who Is John Galt…

It occurred to me, as I was reading the first chapter of "Atlas Shrugged", that there is a similarity between the "John Galt" question and the current issue of people leaving the organized church.

I read about the railroad worker in chapter one, who was whistling "Halley's Fifth Concerto".

He didn't stop doing what he had been doing.  He was still writing, he had only left the system.

Many of the people leaving the church...they don't stop loving God.  They don't stop serving Him.

Many of them feel that it is the church that doesn't want them.  They might be too single, too divorced, too strong, too weak.  Too egalitarian, too complementarian.

They are not stopping doing what they are doing...they are only leaving the system.

I'm not saying that it's a good thing...it's not.

But I understand.

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