Tag Archives: Wages

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I highly doubt that any liberals will want to think hard enough to listen to the answers.

In every case — public-sector members included — the livelihood and job security of Hoffa's members depend on a growing economy and robust employers to deliver the wages, benefits, working conditions (and tax revenue) they expect in exchange for the dues money they pay regularly.

Why is that so hard to understand? When Obama offers his prescription for jobs tonight to a joint session of Congress, the folks that Hoffa and other private-sector unions represent should let pass the partisan shots and thinly veiled anti-business riffs and consider submitting the president's overdue plan to a simple test:

Does it propose to ease tax and regulatory burdens on the businesses who employ people like them? Does it promise to deliver — finally — a federal budget that begins to offer some certainty to gyrating markets? Are his proposals more likely or less likely to benefit your employer, which could benefit you? Are whatever tax reforms he seeks permanent or the temporary kind that tend to deliver diminishing returns?

In short, does the president show any inclination to leverage the power of a well-capitalized private sector? Or is the core of his plan a bid to take advantage of historically low Treasury bill rates, to increase federal borrowing, to focus the proceeds on public works projects and direct aid to cities and states, leaving the bill for whomever comes next?

The answers will speak for themselves.

From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20110908/OPINION03/109080348/Howes--Hoffa-rant-riles-’em-up--doesn’t-create-jobs#ixzz1XOc2ybpj