Daily Archives: May 2, 2007


There are a few entries today for the Carnival of Beauty; "the Beauty of Flowers"

Blair at Scribblings gives us a photo Blair snapped, from under the blossom tree in her front yard, led her to Scribblings of a poetic nature in "from under the blossom tree".

Veracity, at Veracity - The Way, gives a feast of flowers to enjoy in a wonderful photo post, "Fragrance".
Barbera at Bestsister,  writes about being belonging, even when broken in "Connected"
Leslie of Lux Venit brings us "The Beauty of Flowers, in which she shares the beauty of knowing that even though the ground seems lifeless, God is working where we cannot see.  She also shares the poem, Rhodora, by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
As she has followed an unknown path, Amanda has captured several snapshots that capture the splendor of flowers; she shares them with us in her carnival entry this week.
I consider our love/hate relationship with the lowly but cheerful dandelion - and apply what I see to people around me in It’s a flower…no, it’s an herb…no, it’s a WEED!