Girl Porn and Guy Porn…

She was sitting in her chair when he got home, settled in to watch a rented move...a "chick flick"

"Why can't you be more like him?" she asked her husband. He shook his head and thought...I'm not him. I'm me and I want to be wanted for who I am.

He nuzzled her neck and whispered..."let's head for bed."

She lifted her shoulder and gently pushed him away, "No, I'm in the middle of this movie. I don't feel like it tonight."

He backed away from her "cold shoulder" and walked to the home computer. Click.


Using porn is the choice of the person viewing it. But within a marriage, there is another person involved. If it's the husband using, the wife is also involved.

I will never say that a husband's choice to use porn is the sin of the wife.

I will say that the sin of the wife of denying her husband could (and sometimes does) lead to the temptation of the husband to use porn.

We have a responsibility to help one another avoid temptation. When we don't help, we often hurt.

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5 thoughts on “Girl Porn and Guy Porn…

  1. anonymous

    Could become a temptation, but never the spouse to be blamed. It would be like justifying the choices a single adult made (who could not biblically fulfill their sexual desires) on singleness.

  2. Sue

    Most young men in our culture today enter their marriages with a "pornified" view of women. The perverted appetites they bring into their marriages have absolutely nothing to do with their wives. Marital sex will not sate perverted appetites. Perverted appetites will destroy desire for marital sex.

  3. Post author

    If you believe that is true, then you should be willing to also accept the possibility that most young women in our culture enter their marriages with a "feminized" view of men.

    this perverted view they bring to their marriages has everything to do with their husbands...leading them to disregard, or worse - demeaning, their husbands God-given sexuality.

    this brings them into a downward spiral of sin...and retaliating with sin...after sin after sin...they simply take turns sinning against the other.

    Your view gives young women permission to punish their husbands for the "sin" of porn, before they are ever caught at it...maybe before they even commit it.

    If I was asked to enter into a marriage with that prospect...I'd call it quits before I even started. As many young people are doing.

  4. Eloquorius

    @Sue: You mentioned "perverted appetites".

    Such as? If you're going to coin a term ("pornified") then you're going to needed to define it. You also need to be able to quantify how the condition differs from non-pornified. This would help keep us from reading each other wrong.

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