lunes linkage

Data from Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveys shows that 15.0% of Democrats in the workforce are currently unemployed and looking for a job. Among adults not affiliated with either major party, that number is 15.6% while just 9.9% of Republicans are in the same situation.

from Rasmussen Reports.

tags: politics, unemployment


Leonid over Mono Lake:  someday maybe I'll get there.


A Russian priest gunned down in church

from ABC News.




Charlie Martin


InForum Blog

William M Briggs


The Manhattan Proclamtion (yea and nay)

Denny Burk

John Stackhouse

Dead Theologians

Feeding on Christ

Truth for Life


Junk Food Produces Weak Christians



How to kill an idea (anybody in corporate America will get this.


Sarah Palin

American Thinker

From Tom McMahon

tags: beatles, flow chart


More Americans are "pro-life" than "pro-choice" -


A great blog I discovered by a military wife

Found through "Obama doesn't "get" the military he commands" - a great post.

tags:  military, Obama, politics


On the other hand...

tags:  military, W., Bush, politics


Four Types of Theologians - from Parchment and Pen

"Where do you roast your marshmallows?"

tags:  Christianity, religion, theology


Well of course!  If there are too many books on the conservative best seller lists...give them their own list!  (That way they're not competing with the liberals...)

In a Nov. 9 entry on The Huffington Post that laments Fox News host Glenn Beck pulling a feat not done before - holding the number one spot on The New York Times' four lists: hardcover fiction, hardcover non-fiction, paperback non-fiction and children's - they suggest a separate category altogether, not for political non-fiction, but conservative non-fiction.

tags: conservative, books, Huffington Post, politics


How many people died at Fort Hood?  Fourteen...A grim reminder of the ones who are forgotten...

tags: Fort Hood, military


This is interesting...from the "religion of peace" and all...

Coworkers told police that Hamid's actions were out of the ordinary and that he had worked at the kiosk for years. (...) Through an interpreter, Hamid requested a public defender and was scheduled to appear in court at 9 a.m. Thursday where he is expected to enter a plea.

What's up with that?  He's been working at a mall in California for YEARS...and needs an interpreter to ask for an attorney?

tags:  Islam, politics, religion


Blackfive...another new blog I'm reading...

this post made me cry. - Lest we forget...

tags: military


For those who want a "level playing field" - here's a woman

tags: sports, disabilities



President Barack Obama recently told ABC News' Jake Tapper that he shares Pelosi’s belief that jail time is an appropriate punishment for not buying health insurance.


And I think that it is important for us to recognize that if, in fact, you are going to mandate the purchase of insurance and it’s not affordable, then there’s going to have to be some enforcement mechanism that the government uses. And they may charge people who already don’t have health care fines, or have to take it out of their paychecks. And that, I don’t think, is helping those without health insurance.

and Pelosi dodges...

tags: health care, Obama, Pelosi


"Christian"?  Or "The Way"?

Both work for me...

tags: Christianity, religion, Jay E. Adams


I posted on this a long time wasn't well received then...or would be now I suppose.

Egalitarianism and Homosexuality:  Connected or Autonomous Ideologies?

Evangelical Christian organizations that hold to a complementarian view of gender roles, such as The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW), have expressed concern over a possible connection between an egalitarian view of male/female gender roles and homosexuality. For example, in the list of central concerns stated in Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood-perhaps the most thorough defense of complementarianism-the authors declare, "We are concerned not merely with the behavior roles of men and women, but also with the underlying nature of manhood and womanhood themselves.

tags:  egalitarianism, complementarianism, homosexuality, Christianity, religion


Let's play:  One of these things is not like the other.


"Why Can't Jill BIden Take Mrs. Utopia Shopping Sometimes?"

I like these guys...

tags: politics, fashion, Michelle Obama


via "Cruising Down the Coast of High Barbaree" who thinks this explains a lot...

“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.” --BHO, 2008

tags: politics, Obama


"Why I Think Women Need to Study Theology"

I have a confession to make.  I am not fond of women’s ministry programs.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my sisters in Christ and enjoy fellowshipping with them.  But programs that involve some type of teaching, such as workshops or conferences, generally don’t appeal to me.  Why?  In my experience, gatherings to hear teaching have been little more than encouragement sessions to make us feel better about being “God’s women”.  Unfortunately, I find the same thing on women’s blogs, even ones that have been advertised as a place for serious thinkers.  There are a few exceptions, but generally, I find them lacking in rich theological substance.

tags:  women, theology, Christianity, religion


Charity of the week:


We'll be making a trip here over Christmas break (the vet wants to wait until Toby's skin as really cleared up before we have him "fixed".  For an extra $10 I have have him micro-chipped and registered.


This sounds like a good series that I may save up for.

(tag: Christianity, books)


Interesting thought:  "If you consent to it, it's not a crime."

(tag: politics)


Should Christians Say That Their Aim Is to Convert Others to Faith in Christ?

(tag: Christianity, salvation)


One way to fund the new "health care" bill - tax life saving and life enhancing equipment.

Speaking as a person who uses a C-pap, and with a parent with multiple joint replacements...yippee.


Shutting Off the Miracle Drug Spigot

(tag: politics, health care)


For those who claim the Gospel of John was written by a group of people - ummm...yes.

(tag: Christianity, Scripture)


Brain Cramps for God: Free...and a Slave

(tag: Christianity, doctrine)


Borrowed Light:  Bare Minimum Required

(tag: Christianity, salvation)


Resurgence:  What is Scripture?

(tag: Christianity, Scripture)


Denny Burk: Pro-life Conversion at Planned Parenthood (what a difference a picture makes)

(tag: abortion)


Of First Importance:  (I like this quote:)

“Spiritual experience that does not arise from God’s word is not Christian experience. . . . Not all that passes for Christian experience is genuine. An authentic experience of the Spirit is an experience in response to the gospel.  Through the Spirit the truth touches our hearts, and that truth moves our emotions and effects our wills.”

-  Tim Chester and Steve Timmis, Total Church (Wheaton, Ill.; Crossway Books, 2008), 31.

(tag: Christianity, Scripture)


Zero Net-carb Bagels - might be worth a try

(tag: food, low-carb)


White Horse Inn - The Virgin Mary and ECT, a Response from Michael Horton

(tag: Christianity, Evangelicals and Catholics Together)


Another good quote:

"Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle that fits them all." - Oliver Wendell Holmes

(tag: Christianity)

- I like

(tags: Christianity, Reformed, Solas, clothing)


Why Evangelicals Turn to the Church Fathers

(tag: Christianity, church fathers)

Word for the Day - iPod app

The Greek language of the New Testament is rich in detail, expressive and full of meaning, and, in A Word for the Day: Key Words from the New Testament, J.D. Watson brings New Testament Greek to life. Each devotion in this resource briefly presents a Greek Word (along with its Strong's number and transliteration) and offers a practical application for that particular word...

$9.95 from Olive Tree


HT: Rhoblogy


The Health Care Scavenger Hunt

By now, you probably know that House Democrats’ public plan for health reform will threaten your health care choices. But did you know that most members of the House haven’t even read the bill? Well, here at HandsOffMyHealth, we’ve read the 1,000-page plan. And we’ve learned that the House’s vision for “reform” irresponsibly adds more government to health care.


Honey House Naturals - I tried this on vacation and it was great.  I got the lip balm but passed on the bar...I wish now that I hadn't because it would be perfect to keep in my backpack because it can't spill.


And...a recipe for grain-free almond crackers.


I've not read reading blogs with  much interest...but here are a few links for lunes.


Back to the Bible.

I have Morning and Evening (Spurgeon) sent to my email box each day.  I also now subscribe to a monthly Bible study.  There are a few devotional choices and other things to pick from.


Vibram Shoes.

weird but like walking barefoot.  There's a learning curve to getting them on.  But really, really comfy.


The Road Not Chosen.  (I read this in google's blog feed...a blog well worth reading.)

from the dictionary

Ruthless (def) without pity or compassion; cruel; merciless. (That is the dictionary definition. I didn’t make it up to push a political point.)

Pragmatism (def) a philosophical movement or system having various forms, but generally stressing practical consequences as constituting the essential criterion in determining meaning, truth, or value.

From President Obama

(...)What I’ve been constantly searching for is a ruthless pragmatism when it comes to economic policy(...)

The author says,

When I read this today I thought of the Roman Christians in 165AD. When plague swept the country, the Roman’s, who thought illness was caused by evil spirits,  left the sick to fend for themselves, not wanting to risk the spirits attacking them. While this is an understandable human response during that time, the Christians had other ideas. They took care of the sick and dying. They were more concerned with treating people with dignity and compassion, risking death themselves, rather than going the “ruthlessly pragmatic” way of the Romans.

None of us, even the Congress or the President, really knows what the consequences of the Health Care bill will end up being. No one knows what form it will eventually take. No matter what happens we have to remember that as Christians we are called to follow the example of Christ in all we do. The Church today could do a much better job caring for today’s infirm and dying. Perhaps we should be practically showing compassion now so that if things get more dire, we will be experienced at meeting the needs of a sick and dying humanity.


and a facebook app (a helpful one...really)

This is where you can upload a photo and they will send you a "virtual weightloss" photo to help you visualize what you'll look like when you weigh a few pounds less.


Satire blog:  "Barack Obama's Teleprompter's Blog"  (there is no POTUS without TOTUS)

Specifically, we just break out into giggling fits over some of the things the Administration folks have him saying. Like this morning, Big Guy was expected to record this with a straight-voice about legislation that required the federal government to pay for what it appropriated: "We need to adhere to the basic principle that new tax or entitlement policies should be paid for, so that government acts the same way any responsible family does in setting its budget."


I restarted and closed my open tabs, so this may be it...

Campaign for Liberty...(Ron Paul)

The U.S. Constitution is at the heart of what the Campaign for Liberty stands for, since the very least we can demand of our government is fidelity to its own governing document.  Claims that our Constitution was meant to be a "living document" that judges may interpret as they please are fraudulent, incompatible with republican government, and without foundation in the constitutional text or the thinking of the Framers.  Thomas Jefferson spoke of binding our rulers down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution, and we are proud to follow in his distinguished lineage.

It makes sense that I'd like this site...back in 2007 I posted a quiz that put Paul as my best match.


Buyer's remorse?


5 ways that you'll know the recession is over...


Lower wages, here we come...


If you like fantasy books, but don't like the sex that goes along with a lot of them...

here's a Mormon mom who took up writing...


"Theology" but Steve Timmis (Resurgence Blogs)

Theology Is for Life

We’ve compounded the problem by seeing theology as the articulation of abstract and often difficult intellectual concepts. But the only theology worthy of the name is applied theology: theology that is worked out at street level in the messiness of life. Election is not a doctrine to be discussed only by professionals in the comfort of a study, but by a group of believers so that they are humbled and thrilled by God’s choice. Total depravity isn’t just something to be argued over in a lecture room, but faced up to by a group of saved sinners as they cry out to the Holy Spirit to open blind eyes. Calvin was right in a number of things, not least when he said, “Doctrine is an affair, not of the tongue, but of life.”


From Steve at Triablogue

It’s striking to observe that, by his very own reckoning, Dawkins’ religious doubts coincide with the exact time in life when he encountered a pedophile priest. Inside the body of an aging Oxford Don is an angry 9-year-old who’s still lashing out at Christianity in the person of a long-dead Latin teacher.


more and more...