which doesn't look like those sorts of days that belong to most people.
I can live by my kitchen timer (which has 3 timers - set for 10, 20 and 30 mintues). Today I have to do reading for my classes, I want to read the book of Galations (format it into a Word document to take notes on) and then listen to White Horse Inn (Galations part 2).
I'm spinning again and Saturday is the day that I either ply or skein yarn so I'm going to do that. It's a mindless job so I listen to podcasts while I do that. Expect photos.
- I need to do a little grocery shopping (yogurt, milk, cocoa powder, fresh produce) - I'm trying gluten free so that adds a different twist. Add hair color to the shopping list. TAKE BACK EMPTIES
- I need to stop by home depot and get PVC pipe. I make my own bobbins for putting spun thread on before I ply it into yarn and I want a longer one to put plied yarn on before I skein it. I also want to make a 2-yarn "niddy-noddy". Supplies needed are 1-1/2" PVC, 2 "T" connectors and 4 end caps.
- pick up a prescription (need to order it now)
Lots of laundry - digging through closets and sorting "give away", "throw away", "put away".
Packing books and "stuff", sorting craft notions.
Make coffee for next week (involves a coffee press)
Update craft blog -a list of what I need to buy or make (love that PVC pipe)
How's that working for me?
- 20 minutes of plying singles into yarn (several dozen yards of 3-ply)
- 1 load of laundry out of the dryer (oh...ate breakfast)
- 20 minutes laundry (give away, put away, throw away) sort and fold
- 20 minutes of I.E. while formatting Galations and catching up on coffee
- 30 minutes reading (Darwin's God; Evolution and the Problem of Evil)