Tag Archives: Politics

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OMG - an analog teleprompter

Umm...if this is all the PDS crowd has to complain about - funny.

I'm reading about how scary it is that Sarah Palin cannot remember her "core issues" without writing them on the palm of her hand.

It apparently hasn't occurred to any of of them that it might not have been the words she was noting, it might have been the order she wanted to address them in.

I know that when I've given speeches or talks, I can't do it without pages of notes.  This was a 45 minute speech done without dual teleprompters.

And they're making a fuss about 7 words written on a hand?

Palin must be scaring the pants off of somebody.

Data from Rasmussen Reports national telephone surveys shows that 15.0% of Democrats in the workforce are currently unemployed and looking for a job. Among adults not affiliated with either major party, that number is 15.6% while just 9.9% of Republicans are in the same situation.

from Rasmussen Reports.

tags: politics, unemployment


Leonid over Mono Lake:  someday maybe I'll get there.


A Russian priest gunned down in church

from ABC News.




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InForum Blog

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The Manhattan Proclamtion (yea and nay)

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Sarah Palin

American Thinker