my daughter wrote this...
Perfect Love
If your love is so perfect
Then why do you care for me so
If your power is so mighty
Then why are you so merciful
If you are the creator of everything
I am a gem
In a sea of stones
Because you made me so
Oh Lord you are powerful
You are beyond my
Beyond my farthest grasp
You are my loving God
If you are the greatest of great
What did it take to make me?
If you are so Awesome
Then I am blessed with your love
If you made me with love in your mind
Then I am a daughter of the King
>I am a gem
In a sea of stones
Because you made me so
Oh Lord you are powerful
You are beyond my
Beyond my farthest grasp
You are my loving God
If you are ancient beyond all days
Then I am but a spec in time
If you are the truth of all truths
Then forever with you I will live
If you are the beginning and the end
I thank you for all that is to come
I am a gem
In a sea of stones
Because you made me so
Oh Lord you are powerful
You are beyond my
Beyond my farthest grasp
You are my loving God
If you truly are my Father and King
You are the one without sin
If you are the only one for me
I give all that I am to you
If your love is so perfect
Then i will never be enough yet ...
I am a gem
In a sea of stones
Because you made me so
Oh Lord you are powerful
You are beyond my
Beyond my farthest grasp
You are my loving God
Kim from Hiraeth
Oh, what a lovely poem! How old is she, Ellen?
Manda is 17 and comments here once in a while (she has posting priviledges, but hasn't yet)
Your daughter is very, poetry, Faith...a very special young lady!
I think she's a keeper!