Daily Archives: November 20, 2006


Lecture exam on respiratory and digestive systems...

I think that once I got to the point where I could see what I was studying, my lecture tests got a lot better.  I'm not as uptight about this one because I can't get an "A" in the class.  As long as I have to have a "B", I might was well be happy with getting a "B"

If you don't like reading a whole lot of numbers, you can skip reading Nehemiah 7.

The beginning of the chapter it says that the Lord laid it upon Nehemiah's heart to take a census and he obeyed.  Nehemiah found the book of genealogies and found the list of returned Jews that had been exiled under Nebuchadnezzar...

(This is a short post - let's just say that there were a lot of Jews.  And servants and horses and singers and...)

Chapter 8 deserves an entire post by itself  😉