(Or...let's play "which of these items doesn't belong?")
I was cruising around Amazon.com...checking out the radioactive uranium samples.(Thank you Tom McMahon)
What is weird (other than Amazon carrying radioactive uranium ore) is the part that says,
"Customers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed..."
First off: we have a land cruiser for only $19,999.95
Next: Dr. John's Famous Pee Pee (no price listed)
After that: a fresh (dead) whole rabbit A bargain at under $40.
I'm not going to post what comes next...I might lose my "family friendly" status...but rest assured the body function aroma would amuse a rather large group of boys.
A Duncan Heinz Classic Yellow Cake Mix. "Classic" A box of 12 for under $30.00
What's wrong with this picture?
Kind of makes you wonder what's up with Tom? 🙂 (Tom's site is one of my favorites when I have the sillies...)
**disclaimer - I do not know if this section stays the same when you reload the page...
You realise that the radioactivity of normal uranium is minor? Exposure will be less than the amount on a many plane flights.
Oh yes - it was the combination of the cake mix (which makes more sense) the dead rabbit and the fart gas...