I'm in a women's Bible study and we're going through "Speaking Wisely" by Poppy Smith. This week's topic was "gossip". There was a lot of good material, but I think that "gossip" was not the point of the text.
The book of Nehemiah was written in first person - not usual for the Bible. It's not a very long book, I'd encourage you all to sit down and read it from start to finish. It was very encouraging at a time when I needed it.
It's not so much about gossip - although those who hated what Nehemiah was doing did use false reports to fight his work. It's more about standing firm.
A lot of things were brought to mind and I'm going to be posting on it over a few days - right now - it's been a long day and I think I'm going to chill...
When Jesus said: "Who do the people say that I am", he was soliciting gossip. 🙂
That brings up another question: Can you "gossip" about famous people (celebraties)? Is talking about Brittney Spears antics considered "gossip"?