Tag Archives: Dogwood

A big stress eating day...not good.


But I got my bike tire taken care of...maybe.   My back tire has a different valve stem and it doesn't seem to be quite long enough.  There's a screw thingie on it that I didn't know could come off and when it does, the tire will pump up all the way.

I also have really little tires that pump up to 145 psi.  the guy at the bike store says 125 should do it, but if I can get them to 145...nice.  So we'll try for 125 and see if that works.


The dogwood are blooming and the pollen is so bad it looks like it's snowing...my eyes itch.


So...even with itchy eyes and a (hopefully) short meeting after school tomorrow, I'm taking my stuff to ride after school.


and politics...

this is from "Being Conservative" on facebook:

So we're sending 1200 UNARMED National Guardsmen to help secure our southern border. Only Obama could look at our border security problem and determine the solution is more paper pushers.