Tag Archives: snowflake babies

One of my "facebook" friends is (are) a missionary couple who are here in the states for a little while - they are stationed in Uganda.

They have two adopted babies (one of them was adopted in Uganda) and today they are adopting two snowflake babies.

Also known as "embryo adoption" these are "leftover" embryos from another couples IVF.  Rather than discard, destroy or use them for research, the biological parent have chosen to give these embryos to an infertile couple.

Today, Angie is having these two embryos implanted.

Organization of the Week: Snowflakes Adoption:

When a family has been successful in having a child through in vitro fertilization, remaining embryos are often cryo-preserved. This results in the question of what to do with the remaining embryos. These frozen embryos can be the hope of a child for an infertile couple.



Who is Ali Jawad?



I still can't embed youtube on the site.

But here...

The Michigan Republican Party blog says:

But if John McCain said this -- if he mistakenly said he'd visited 57 states..and had 1 more to go...while still missing Alaska and Hawaii???? -- the media would be all up in his grill, accusing him of a senior moment. A double standard???

Clinton and Obama are getting tired.



What would you do if your pastor was in error?

I'd go to the pastorate. And to the board...and to the denomination. And eventually I'd leave, but stay in contact with a pastor in the same classis.

HT: Think Christian

