I have a memory of a memory that I used to have. Maybe someday I'll "tell all" (it's not abuse of any sort) and I'll generally share in a private setting (it's part of what makes me an oddity). But for right now I'm going to be very vague.
This "thing" happened to me when I was a kid. For years it "just was" - and I found out as an adult that my parents had a similar experience and that my youngest sister did also. About a year ago I spent an "all nighter" talking about it, remembering and (basically) reliving it.
After that night, I no longer own the memory.
It's a weird thing; I can remember remembering. But I can't remember the experience. And I want to know why.
There's this other "thing" about me. I am "anosmic" - I have no sense of smell. Zero - I had a gas leak in my basement and didn't know. But I can remember what certain things smell like.
I even had an MRI to rule out a brain tumor
That's sort of what this is like - I know what I should be remembering, but I don't remember.
Last week I started seeing a psychologist who uses hypnotherapy and I had my third session today. This is going to be an interesting trip through my brain.