A Product Advertisement…and a little bug

I have to deal with rosacea in my life. I have discovered what my triggers are and how to minimize it, but not how to really control it.

Until now (I think).

I recently found an article on this little critter that lives in your hair follicles. What I did find was a website that urges natural treatments instead of pharmaceuticals . That website recommended "Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap"

I have not had a flareup in a month.

This concludes the advertisement....


(oh yes...tonight is my first night with a CPAP)

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5 thoughts on “A Product Advertisement…and a little bug

  1. I have rosacea, too, and have been on Noritate and erythromicin and twice a day for over a year and it STILL flares up constantly! A weekend of raking leaves in the sun and wind and it's a mess again.

    Where do you get the soap? Do you have to order it online? I don't want to place a $15 minimum order to try it. I'm hoping that maybe Target or Walmart carries it????

  2. I got my first soap at a health food store - they didn't have the bar so I got the shower gel instead - two days and I was clear!

    I just went a couple of days without using it (this is only a test) and my cheeks are pinks again.

  3. Oh! I have a health food store two blocks from my house! I'll see if I can find it there.

    I've heard that flax oil supplements help, too. I've just started that and so far I don't see any difference after a few weeks, but some people swear by it!

    What are your triggers? Mine are heat and cold, wind, stress, and hot foods.

  4. donna

    I have been getting photofacial in the office of a local plastic surgeon every 6 weeks. It costs $500 but my insurance covers it 100%. I have stopped using all treatment and my skin is soft now and the veins and thickening around my nosr is almost gone. I have had about 4 treatments so far. They say it's different for everyone but that I may need another 3 or 4. It doesn't hurt but is a little uncomfortable; sort of like snapping of a rubber band against your skin. By the way, the link to the article on the mites is not working.

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