Daily Archives: April 7, 2008

Organization of the Week:

Stop Prisoner Rape

Our Mission

A national 501(c)(3) human rights organization, SPR works to put an end to sexual violence against men, women

(HT: Joe Carter - The Evangelical Outpost)



On "Obama's Abortion Extremism"

But Obama's record on abortion is extreme. He opposed the ban on partial-birth abortion -- a practice a fellow Democrat, the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan, once called "too close to infanticide." Obama strongly criticized the Supreme Court decision upholding the partial-birth ban. In the Illinois state Senate, he opposed a bill similar to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which prevents the killing of infants mistakenly left alive by abortion. And now Obama has oddly claimed that he would not want his daughters to be "punished with a baby" because of a crisis pregnancy -- hardly a welcoming attitude toward new life.  (...)

I guess, as Barbara Boxer said...

When [she] was pressed to affirm that she opposed the medical killing of children after birth, she refused to commit, saying that children deserve legal protection only "when you bring your baby home." It was unclear whether this included the car trip.

(emphasis mine)

The Tech.



THIS is playing with LEGOS