My mom was listening to this and I remember her singing it to me as a child.
I have several versions...
not a single one by Chris Tomlin
My mom was listening to this and I remember her singing it to me as a child.
I have several versions...
not a single one by Chris Tomlin
Death has been called "the new obscenity", the nasty thing that no polite person nowadays will talk about in public. But death, even when unmentionable, remains inescapable. The one sure fact of life is that one day, with or without warning, quietly or painfully, it is going to stop. How will I, then, cope with death when my turn comes? (J.I.Packer, "Growing in Christ")
John Preston said, "I shall change my place, but I shall not change my company."
7- define "monagamy"
see "define faithful" partner. Period.
8 - What are you looking for in a life time mate?
I'm not interested in "stuff". I don't want a man for the stuff he can give me. I want a man who will strive to be Jesus to His bride, God to His bride
...He will bestow preciousness upon me
...He will be my refuge, (Psa 61)
...He will stand up for me (Psa 94)
...He will nourish and cherish me (Eph 5)
...I will trust in his steadfast love (Psa 52)
...He will speak tenderly to me (Hos 2)
...He will be merciful and full of loving kindness (Tit 2)
...He will wipe away my tears (Isa 25)
...He will make me beautiful (Isa 60)
...He will carriy my sorrows (Isa 53)
...He will come to serve (Matt 20)
...He will restore my soul, He will lead me in paths of righteousness (Psa 23)
and the tears are right here.