Tag Archives: Blogging

I determine to blog a certain number of times per week, or per month.

Here we go again.

Usually, I make a sort of rough "schedule" so that I have a target topic for the day.

Here we go again.

In the past, this is been a "life blog" - including family, theology, life, work, diet, exercise, pretty much everything.

I'm a Reformed woman, that can be the focus of my blog...that's a good thing.  Faith informs all parts of my life, all parts of my life that are informed by faith can be written about, as informed by faith, right?

I'm narrowing it down...but there will still be "life" stuff.  Blogging helps me work through things - I think I'm determined to work through a couple of theological issues that don't worry me a whole lot, but I'd like to understand them, so that will be a topic.

I'm moving into a different stage of life and my online presence will also be a little different, with a different "area" that I'm active in.  That's a good thing.

I've been moderator on a specific topic forum that has taken up time, time I'm planning on spending blogging...that's a good thing.

New Year's Resolutions for the year...

Health and fitness:

Weight Watchers for 3 solid months, to see if the plan will work (as opposed to hard core Atkins)
Exercise 3 days per week


6 book/movie/music etc. reviews each month
blog daily, giving myself 2 days each month "grace"
once blog post on sermon notes
participate in photo scavenger hunt one time per month
comment on another blog 5 time per week.


Finally getting through the "Bible in a Year"
Finishing 12 theology books in the year (one for each month)
Finishing 12 "Christian living" books in the year

Misc. Read a little each day.

OH...and Fly Lady...


GOAL: Post every day

grace-note - okay to miss three days a month

Objective:  Stick (loosely) to the schedule.

  • I posted a loose schedule a few months ago that has worked pretty well

Objective:  Make my blog known

  • Post on "hot topics" that will attract search engines
  • Post comments on other blogs that I already read and enjoy, although through my blog reader.

Objective:  Make my blog "worth it"

  • Use MzEllen.com to blog my way through books, devotionals, podcasts and life.

wanting a change...looking at new WordPress templates...

Seriously - I want one that I can add my own photos in the header.  The list of "must haves" for the side bar is pretty consistent so I'll just go poking around to see what's out there.

I uploaded a broken link finder...and there are roughly 250 of them.  Considering all the work that was done moving, that's pretty good!  (Thank you)

I thought my pages were lost, but they're here...they just turned into posts, so I need to copy them into pages.

My blogrolls are gone, but it was time to update that anyway  😉

Over Christmas I'm planning on wiping out my categories and going through posts and organizing.

There's still an issue with pre-posting, but this time it's me, not the webhost.

It just happened...after posting daily (really) I lost my grip on it and took a couple of weeks off...and it felt good but very, very lazy.  I feel almost as though the daily blogging has become a discipline of sorts - especially when I blog my way through articles and books.

What has happened...this past Monday was my "anniversary of single-hood".  We past Memorial Day and the kids and I put flowers on their dad's grave.

Amanda (finally) got her learner's permit...the down side is that I am now the one who will "teach" her how to drive.

Tomorrow is the last day of school.

I discovered "Lost".  And the past episodes (including the most recent season) are available on line.

I'm making jewelry again.

And that is about it for the online update.  Hopefully I'll get back on track, but right now life is busy with "stuff".