In a couple of months (well, 99 days, according to the counter on her blog), my youngest turns 18. We've "rushed" things a bit, she dropped out of public school in order to "homeschool" - which means she's taking college classes as a "senior" in high school.
My dearest friend tells me that I'm going to be the empty-nester to end all empty nesters. Yeah. I miss my son and he still lives here! Our schedules are not meshing very well and I just don't get to see him much.
But, there is a beauty in growing up - I may soon be coming to the end of my role as a parent to these two young people and they're my report card as a parent.
My kids are growing up. They both go to college and they both have jobs.
Tom laughs at me laughing at him. We had some really rough years; Tom figuring out how to be a man without a man in his life was hard. But he's
becoming grown to be a man and my prayer is that he'll find the right young woman and be the right man and Godly leader.
He seldom goes to church with me on Sunday mornings; his job keeps him up very late at night and he's very (VERY) faithful about meeting with his college group on Tuesday evenings. I think that next semester he'll be able to back off on hours at work and be more regular at church. But I like that he's faithful about the Christian group that he has committed to.
And then there's Manda...also looking for a way to be "Manda". She wants to be a youth leader...or maybe work with animals...or maybe...
Amanda is "interesting"...and my prayer for her is that she find a Godly leader who will take care of her and who will let her take care of him.
I guess the best way to describe it is that I like my kids. Not just "love" them (although I do love them beyond words). I really like them.
There is a beauty to seeing them grow up, even if it means the ending of my "nest".