missed a couple of days!
The water heater is in, although not what I expected. When the plumber got to my house they "discovered" that the new heater has a bigger burner, thus more BTU's, and the old vent system would not work, so they wanted to tap into the chimney - and move the thing 8 feet, involving moving the water and gas lines...and much money.
I told them, it's just me, take that 40 gallon back and bring back a 30 gallon that you won't have to move.
So, they did.
My class last night is going to be interesting: "Philosophy of Religion". My paper for next week, "Is Religion Important?", based on quotes and philosophical definitions.
Oh, that should be interesting. I hope you share more of your ideas about religion/philosophy.
And I'm glad you found a way to make the water heater fit.