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I've been in a very weird spot (all around).  I (think I am) back on track, at least this morning I think so.

On my "to do" list for today was a 50 mile bike ride...oh well, that ain't gonna happen today.  I took my car (bike on the rack) to the park where the "flat ride" starts.  Five feet away from the car, the chain broke.  So I came back home.

This evening I'm going to a retirement dinner for the lead teacher I worked with last year.  I miss her.  My year with her taught me a lot - most specifically that (whatever you might hear from other people) you should let each person prove themselves.  Before I got moved into Mary's classroom, I had heard a few things about her that were not very nice.  They were wrong.

I have also learned over the years that sometimes the moves that I think are going to be disasters - or moves that I've been forced into making - are the best ones for me.

I cringed when I saw my room assignment for this year.  Mostly I just wanted to stay put for a year.'s going to be a good year.  Really.  Again, what made me cringe is most likely the best thing for me.  The things that I think are going to be "bad" are just...different.  The hardest things (like moving from a more non-structured room to a room that has more structure) is actually good for me, yet an adjustment.

We're attending a CRC again.  I don't know how long it will last, but I told the kids I'd give it a try.

And I've lost 6 1/2 pounds in the month of August (first Friday to first Friday).  More of a lower-carb diet.  Not very low carb, but definately more sensible.  I also let my exercise level for the day add to the grams of carbs I eat.

Politically...It's all about Palin.  And relating Palin to the common woman. seems like a wash.  Listened to Driscoll on spiritual warfare.  Talked with a friend about "The Shack" and some things she's going through.

iPod touch apps...

  • Weight watchers calculator AND tracker!
  • shopping list (grocer-by category)
  • games (tetris, sudoku)
  • restaurant nutrition lists
  • to do list (by urgency)

I normally have all this "stuff" on pieces of paper (except for the games) or on my computer (which doesn't fit in my purse - almost)

(the 5.5 is important to me because I've been looking for a calculator that will give me half points!)

We spent a few nice days in Chicago with my husband's sisters.

  • We spent a day at Arlington Race Track (I'm thinking that if I get sunburned enough to see where my cross sits...that makes me a "crispy critter".

sunburned cross

  • Sunday afternoon we went to Chicago Botanical Gardens

Chicago Botanical Garden

  • Monday we wandered around the Museum of Science and Industry

Museum of Science and Industry

  • Tuesday we spent at Brookfield Zoo

Brookfield Zoo...

We had a very nice trip, but it is also nice to be home.


Today would have been my 30th wedding anniversary.

Looking back, the way that life turned out was NOT what I had planned (although most of what I had planned was about what I didn't want...I didn't want to live in a small town my entire life and I didn't want to marry a farmer).

There are good memories and bad memories.  Some of the bad memories are really, really bad.  I choose to let go of the bad ones.  My goal is for my children to remember their dad in the best way that they can.
It was a long, weird ride.  I don't regret it.

I regret my part in making the challenges...but I don't regret doing it.

A letter from Thomas McElhinney to his son, my great-grandfather

July 30th, 1876

My dear son,

You have of late occupied much of my thoughts.  Of my sons you are my first born.  My pride, my strength and it is natural that I should desire your welfare and happiness.  Allow me then to talk plainly, yet kindly to you.  I would not irritate you, but I would help you to escape some of the ills of this world.  The old proverb sounds "Thyself to know, make use of every friend and every foe."  What your habits are I know not, but this I know that men are known by the company they keep.  I know also that habits once formed are hard to break.  If a person has formed the habit of smoking, drinking, gambling or indulging any (propensity) passion or desire unlawfully it is very hard to overcome this trouble or evil.  The person becomes the slave of his own passions, the worst slavery in the world because ruin is its terminus.  If you have any habits it is time for you to assert your manhood and say that you in every respect govern yourself.

One thing is sure "You must govern your passions or they will govern you."  The brute, the animal is governed by his desires.  Man should be governed by his reason found on the Laws of God as revealed in His Word and in the wisdom of the wise.

...continue reading

For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. (ESV)
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (NIV)

It occurs to me that the "narrow path" may be envisioned as not only a road with forks and corners (as many of us envision the "straight and narrow") -  but also as a sort of "foot path" - a straight and narrow foot path, making its way surely and carefully along the ridge of a mountain.

In the Badlands, and similar places, on one side of a path you will find a flat place - filled with cacti, sharp growing things, and maybe a few snakes and creepy crawly things.  On the other side is a steep and slippery slope.  If you step off the edge, you do not know how far you will slide.

In Michigan, on a Lake Superior cliff, I found a path.  On one side was a deep and dark woods, complete with poison ivy - a lot of it. On the other side, a steep slide into the pounding waves.

The path is there for a reason.  Somebody wise knew it was safe there.  The One who created the path gave us the Way.  Those who have gone before traveled the path safely.

On the path is safety.  Off the path is danger - and a slippery slope.

In a debate, "slippery slope" can be a logical fallacy (see here for "In Defense of the Slippery Slope")

It may also be a pattern.

The thing is not a debate and there are slippery slopes that are real.  And have real dangers.

For example...any guess where the likes of Todd Bentley might end up?