
There's errands I need to run - bike store, groceries, post office, Meijer Garden (sans students)

I want to spend time on my blog - get back into it, organize themes and delete a few that I don't like.  Expect change.

I guess that's the way life is...expect change.  Then change won't blind side you...or maybe it will anyway.

Three years ago I wrote about "Ancient History" and Mother's Day.

Last week, a well known man (Ernie Harwell) died of the same cancer that killed my husband - a rare and aggressive sort that the oncologist called "pancreatic cancer's evil cousin."

This Mother's Day I'm going to a great brunch with my husband's sisters and my son and daughter.  Yesterday we had a "board game" time with the young man who may very well become my son-in-law.

Time goes on.  Moving on with life brings healing.

I learn that there is an urgency to the Gospel.

In the words of Harwell,

"And also, I think that when I heard the news, that I had this cancer, that I had a feeling of security and serenity ... but I had a feeling of acceptance because of my belief in Jesus and the Lord."

which doesn't look like those sorts of days that belong to most people.

I can live by my kitchen timer (which has 3 timers - set for 10, 20 and 30 mintues).  Today I have to do reading for my classes, I want to read the book of Galations (format it into a Word document to take notes on) and then listen to White Horse Inn (Galations part 2).

I'm spinning again and Saturday is the day that I either ply or skein yarn so I'm going to do that.  It's a mindless job so I listen to podcasts while I do that.  Expect photos.


  • I need to do a little grocery shopping (yogurt, milk, cocoa powder, fresh produce) - I'm trying gluten free so that adds a different twist.  Add hair color to the shopping list. TAKE BACK EMPTIES
  • I need to stop by home depot and get PVC pipe.  I make my own bobbins for putting spun thread on before I ply it into yarn and I want a longer one to put plied yarn on before I skein it.   I also want to make a 2-yarn "niddy-noddy".  Supplies needed are 1-1/2" PVC, 2 "T" connectors and 4 end caps.
  • pick up a prescription (need to order it now)

Lots of laundry - digging through closets and sorting "give away", "throw away", "put away".

Packing books and "stuff", sorting craft notions.

Make coffee for next week (involves a coffee press)

Update craft blog -a list of what I need to buy or make (love that PVC pipe)

How's that working for me?

  1. 20 minutes of plying singles into yarn (several dozen yards of 3-ply)
  2. 1 load of laundry out of the dryer (oh...ate breakfast)
  3. 20 minutes laundry (give away, put away, throw away) sort and fold
  4. 20 minutes of I.E. while formatting Galations and catching up on coffee
  5. 30 minutes reading (Darwin's God; Evolution and the Problem of Evil)

I'm odd.  The two classes this semester...GOODIE!  I get to do research papers!

10 pages each for the finals - one on the Philosophy of Religion and the other on a subject of Deafness.

Possible - linguistic development of deaf children (including brain scans on the language center of the brain) or the development of accommodation technology.

On the other hand..."the problem of evil" or "free will."

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missed a couple of days!

The water heater is in, although not what I expected.  When the plumber got to my house they "discovered" that the new heater has a bigger burner, thus more BTU's, and the old vent system would not work, so they wanted to tap into the chimney - and move the thing 8 feet, involving moving the water and gas lines...and much money.

I told them, it's just me, take that 40 gallon back and bring back a 30 gallon that you won't have to move.

So, they did.

My class last night is going to be interesting:  "Philosophy of Religion".   My paper for next week, "Is Religion Important?", based on quotes and philosophical definitions.

We're preparing to send Tom off to college again.  I've adjusted very well to having the house to myself.  The drawback is that I don't need or want this much house.

Snow removal, furnace repair, water heater replacement (even with huge and gratefully received financial gifts) and roof repair and driveway repair coming up and...and...and...

I'm tired of being a single (alone, not single-family-dwelling) homeowner.

I've breezed through the websites of a couple of apartment  of complexes that look altogether tempting.  My house payment/rent would go down, my heating bill would drop by $100, my electric would be non-existent.  No more paying for garbage pickup, snow removal, lawn mowing.

I would have to pay for a storage unit/place for my camper, or make arrangements to leave it at my dad's house during the non-camping season, so I'd only have to pay storage for part of the year.

Just thinking...if I'm going to be in Grand Rapids, I might as well take some of the pressure off.

One of the things I do every January (and it takes me a while) is to go through all my music and sort it into my "big" playlists

  • Driving around town
  • sing-along songs
  • Music for school
  • bike riding music

It reminds me of the music that I have.  Some of it makes me laugh, some it makes me cry.

Some if it reminds me...

This one from Dolly Parton


I said you'd better get to livin', givin'
Be willing and forgivin'
Cause all healing has to start with you
You better stop whining, pining
Get your dreams in line
And then just shine, design, refine
Until they come true
And you better get to livin'.

Your life's a wreck, your house is mess
And your wardrobe way outdated
All your plans just keep on falling through
Overweight and under paid, under appreciated
I'm no guru, but I'll tell you
This I know is true.(...)

You better get to livin', givin'
A little more thought about bein'
A little more willin' to make a better way
Don't sweat the small stuff
Keep your chin up
Just hang tough
And if it gets too rough
Fall on your knees and pray
And do that everyday
Then you'll get to livin'.

The day we're born we start to die
Don't waste one minute of this life
Get to livin'
Share your dreams and share your laughter
Make some points for the great hereafter.

Better start carin'
Better start sharin'
Better start tryin'
Better start smiling
And you better get to livin'...

The old guy went to live with Amanda.  I was a little worried that he would not do very well.  He hid under her bed for 2 hours, then in the basement for 2 days.

We think that he might have been planning his strategy.

Now I'm told that he's the new alpha-cat in the house.  And doing pretty well at it.

At first I thought the optical eye needed cleaning or something.

Now I think the "clicker" went bad - it doesn't "grab" text.  That will annoy me later one.  For now I can happily use the pad on my laptop to copy and paste.  When I start writing for school, it will get frustrating to move back and forth from laptop to keyboard.

So, I'll drop one in my Amazon cart and when I get paid, I'll order one.  I also have a second DVD player in there to use upstairs (to exercise to).