I just found out that Grcc made a new policy restricting pre-college classes from early enrolled students. That makes me upset because it means the only math class I'll have hopes of passing is the one i cant take. I'm terrible at math ... I do want to ask mom though if i can take a basic welding class lol

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4 thoughts on “GRCC

  1. those first two scriptures you cited - about how God sees (or doesn't!) sin... i love them. what a wonderful thing to remember when we start feeling down about things we've done!

  2. We really were ready - I never did "grieve" the way that people expected me to and I think that upset folks.

    When my grandfather was dying my mother remained very strong, to her sisters it was as if she didn’t care as much as they did. Every night after leaving the hospital she call me and unburdened. I would listen to what they had done to him to try to keep him comfortable and try to comfort her. My mother hated huge displays of crying and such in public especially at funerals. When she died I did as she wished to honor her. I too was criticized for how calm I was. We grieve in our own ways. We honor those as we see fit.

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