Monthly Archives: March 2007


I am down 1.75 pounds this week.

I am down 10 pounds from where I was the last week in February.

I am down 21.25 pounds from where I was six months ago.

Last week I received my keychain for losing 10% of my original weight.

I am 3/4 of a pound away from getting my 25 pound award.

Next week is the "official" update week (the first week of each month) but I'm on travel and don't know how that's going to work (posting photos and measurements and all that).

HT: Boarshead Tavern

Related links: PBS Teachers,

Yeah...If you do it, you know what it means. If it's been done to you (or to somebody you love), you know what it means. If you know somebody who as left the blogosphere because of "real life" intrusion, you know what it means.
Read about Kathy Sierry here. and here (CAUTION: this post tells a graphic story and uses graphic language and images). I've seen invitations to help participate in debates, "ganging up on" bloggers. I've seen people use other people's bloggers as a launching pad for their own beliefs (and I've done this before and have since made a commitment not to use blogs I disagree with for that purpose, unless debate is clearly invited). I've seen a lot of nastiness, but this is way over the line.

I have rules for my blog, I link to them in the sidebar.

Bullies are bullies are bullies, whether in "meat space", playground space, print or online. And they should be confronted wherever they are found.

this graphic (as well as the one in my meta section) courtesy of Scott McLeod.

Other resources:

(These are geared mostly for kids, but they're good resources)


"Every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses, into something a little different from what it was before... either into a creature that is in harmony with God, ...or into one that is in a state of war with God.  Each of us at each moment is progressing to the one state or the other."
~ C.S. Lewis ~

Mere Christianity

That is so eloquent...and so true.   I don't think there is much that I can say about it.

Every moment of every day we make choices - every day we become a creature that is a little bit different than the creature that we were the day before.

Better, worse?  Just different?  Closer to God, farther away?  Or have we chosen to remain where we were (not that that is possible).

I got some results back and nothing is "bad", but borderline.

I'll be spending some time researching natural and nutritional ways to handle these issues:

  • blood sugar (borderline)
  • cholesterol (a little high - 207)
  • triglycerides (180 - that and cholesterol go together)
  • anemia

The cholesterol is the most pressing thing, my doc is jumping to prescribe and I'm not willing to take meds yet.

I have the paperwork to have the blood test done in 2 months, I have that long to do the diet thing.

Update:  My mom and dad are staying for the luncheon, and then heading south.  When they came to Michigan for my aunt, they hadn't closed up the Florida house (water, electricity, cleaning the fridge, packing clothes and my mom's computer...)  So I will just come home and do laundry and homework.  😉

My Aunt Helen passed away earlier this week and her funeral is tomorrow (Lapeer, MI) so I have a bit of a drive. I may drive the rest of the way and stay with my mom and dad for the night and come home Saturday morning; I have to make sure it's okay with them (just in case they have other stuff going on or want to leave for Florida again right away).

I'm stopping on the way for food (I'm determined to do Core - or at least Weight Watchers the right way tomorrow and a funeral luncheon is not the best plan).

Take with me: grapes, extra lean ham, tuna in water, carrots.

First stop: Beaner's for a really big latte (skim milk, shot of sugar free chocolate)...


There are two segments...

Chapter One:

The beauty of Saul's story is that when God steps into a person's life, unexpected things happen.

Saul hated Christians.  Saul was there, approving, when Stephen was stoned.   Saul went from house to house, dragging Christians off to jail.  Saul's purpose was to destroy the Christian church.

Saul hated Christians.

Then Christ stepped into his life.

Transformed, Saul became Paul.  He ended up ministering to the very people that he stoned, imprisoned, persecuted and hated.

He loved and cared for those he had hated.

Years ago I attended church with a woman who was unashamedly racist.  She knew what she liked and she stuck by it.  Then Christ moved in an unexpected way.

Our church sponsored Haitian refugees and there were a lot of them in New York City.  We had collected a large amount of food and clothing and there was a conflict of scheduling the church van.  Somehow or another, this woman ended up driving her personal van, taking food and clothes to a group of people that were (racially) part of a group that she, to say the least, had no love for.

She got there, met the people, met more.  Stayed...stayed longer.

She came backed changed.  She came back very changed.  She became mother, grandmother, godmother to this group of people that our church adopted as part of our own.

She loved and cared for those she had hated.

When God moves, unexpected things happen.