5 thoughts on “Rose of Sharon (I think)

  1. It does, doesn't it? But it's on a big, busy tree! Like 12 feet tall and that big around. The only hollyhocks I've had have been way smaller than that.

  2. I'm pretty sure it's a hibiscus flower, I looked a your other pics of the flower and the leaves and I'm almost certain that's what it is.

    Been lurking for a while and enjoy your blog!

  3. ok, just wikipedia'd it! I see that in the UK/Europe the common name 'rose of Sharon' refers to a totally different plant! In the UK it's a yellow flowering shrub - Hypericum calycinum.

    I've just completed a short horticulture course and they were always on about the importance of using the latin name as the common name can often refer to different plants in different places.

    I like your 'rose of sharon' better anyway!

  4. It does look like a hibiscus...and I never thought of it because I have two hibiscus plants...but they're much smaller and bloom in early June! That might be because they're in shade not full sun.

    Thanks for lurking...and stopping in.

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