
I like it.

I benefit from the flexibility building of yoga type exercises, but don't like the spiritual aspects.

This DVD is really good.

Praise Moves: The Christian Alternative to Yoga Dvd! Laurette Willis

(if you click through here and buy thing, I get a credit)

I did the warm up, including several marching in place segments where you recite Bible passages that come up on the screen.

The stretching was good and hit my target spots - and the positions were named things like "rainbow" (and while we were holding the position, we were reciting Revelation 4:3 (And he who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian, and around the throne was a rainbow that had the appearance of an emerald.)

and Genesis 9:13 (I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.)

And so forth...

Arm circles and stretching went along with the passage about the armor of God.

I will most likely get the other DVD's in the series.

This is the really, really difficult one, because it's so easy to fall off that wagon and so hard to get back on.



Objective:  Focus on "The Primal Blueprint"

  1. Limit carbs to 100 grams a day, 6 days per week
  2. including 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables (heavy on vegetables)
  3. limit dairy to 1 serving a day
  4. restrict grains to oats and rice

Objective: Focus on "anti-inflammatory/anti-aging" eating

  1. make preferred and avoid food lists and carry in planner
  2. restrict "avoid" foods to one per day (working toward fewer)

Objective: Focus on "Blood Type Diet" (this should fit nicely, since it's very similar to the Primal Blueprint.)

  1. restrict "avoid" foods (dairy excepted) to no more than 5% of eating

Objective:  Enjoy the journey

  1. Eat foods I enjoy and don't force myself to eat food that I don't enjoy
  2. Cook one brand new recipe every week.

Objective:  Use the blogs

  1. Use the blogger blogs to track progress
  • daily food logs
  • blog through diet and exercise books
  • post new recipes
  • update weekly

    Thomas is on vacation and the fill-in massage therapist is a woman.

    I've heard from other people that women just don't "get" therapeutic massage and maybe they're right.

    It sometimes hurts during my massage, but that's because it's really getting deep into the tissue and I know that it's working.

    Today felt good while I was getting it, but my "tight spots" still feel tight.

    The other thing is (and I've floated the thought before) - I'm familiar with "runner's high" - the release of endorphins during physical stress (such as exercise) or pain.  When your body starts to calm down again, you can get the chills.  I experienced that after cortisone injections.

    I start my massage therapy face-down.  I used to have a very sensitive spot at my spine right at the base of my neck.  Thomas goes very deep there and it really hurts.  When I turn over halfway through the massage, if he has gone very deep on my back, I get those chills, as if the deep tissue massage signaled my brain to release endorphins and as they "go away" I get those chills.

    The upside to that is that I no longer have that bad spot at the base of my neck.

    I haven't seen Thomas for two weeks and it's back a little bit.

    Today, I didn't experience those chills...and my back is no better.

    Listening to the podcast.

    An old podcast that features Dr. Duane Graveline (ex-astronaut) talking about the dangers of statin drugs.  And my doctor wanted me on them.

    They inhibit melonimic pathways (I need to check that spelling)

    I'm taking supplements now that the statin drugs would have only blocked.

    The side effects of statin drugs can include damage to your mDNA.  Muscle wasting disease.  Memory eradication.  Transient global amnesia.

    I wonder how many people who are diagnosed with Alzheimer's are on statin drugs (and how much does that disease look like transient global amnesia?)

    Scary, scary things.

    Graveline's website is spacedoc.

    my mom dislocated her artifical hip.

    She will be transfered tonight to a specialty hospital and the hip will be replaced tomorrow. She is mid-recovery after a difficult back surgery, so time spent way from physical therapy will be a big setback.

    My lead teacher, Becky is in the ICU with H1N1 complications.

    She is immuno-compromised after cancer treatments (she is partway through a round of chemo - not for cancer but for rheumetoid arthritis) and the complication that she is dealing with is her asthma symtoms.

    But still very scattered and tired.

    I have a deep cough but don't know when I'll be able to get to the doctor (I have conferences until 7:15 Monday and Wednesday and massage until 4:30 on Tuesday.  To miss any conference time or work time this week messes up my "comp time" that I will need to cover district days off later in the year.

    I have an art panel due Thursday, along with two art projects (including lesson plans) on Thursday.

    I am still not focused on anything and my brain is not doing well.

    fever (check - sort of.  My body temp runs low, so 100 is  a fever for me)

    body aches (check)

    head ache (check)

    Nasal congestion (check)

    cough (check)

    sore throat (check)

    fatigue (check)

    A little nausea, no other intestinal symptoms.

    The pharmacist at CVS gave me stuff with real sudafed, which seems to be helping a little.