Daily Archives: August 19, 2006


At only 28 pages long, this very little book gives a lot of information on the basics of "infant baptism" and why most "Reformed" denominations baptize their babies.

Sartelle starts at the beginning - with the history of the "sign of the covenant" and explains how the sign of the covenant does NOT save; Romans 4 makes it clear that Abraham was saved by faith, not by circumcision..

After the crucifiction and resurrection of Christ, we have a new covenant sign: baptism.

Even if you don't believe that infant baptism is right and proper, I recommend reading this book - the overview that it gives is one that I never recognized until I "reformed".

Consider these questions from this book:

1) When a person believed the God of Abraham and trusted in Him in the Old Testament, what happened?

He was circumcised

2) What was the outward event that represented the clean heart in the Old Testament?


3) What was the outward sign that marked a person's entrance into the community of believers in the Old Testament?


Now, ask the same questions, replacing the words "Old Testament" with "New Testament".

1) When a person believed the God of Abraham and trusted in Him in the New Testament, what happened?

He was baptized

2) What was the outward event that represented the clean heart in the New Testament?


3) What was the outward sign that marked a person's entrance into the community of believers in the New Testament?


For centuries, covanent families understood - were commanded by God - to apply the sign of the covanent to their children - as well as adults to turned to the faith. What would Hebrew families who had followed Christ have felt at the sight of a new believer being baptized, when their own child was denied?