Charity of the week:
We'll be making a trip here over Christmas break (the vet wants to wait until Toby's skin as really cleared up before we have him "fixed". For an extra $10 I have have him micro-chipped and registered.

This sounds like a good series that I may save up for.

(tag: Christianity, books)
Interesting thought: "If you consent to it, it's not a crime."
(tag: politics)
Should Christians Say That Their Aim Is to Convert Others to Faith in Christ?
(tag: Christianity, salvation)
One way to fund the new "health care" bill - tax life saving and life enhancing equipment.
Speaking as a person who uses a C-pap, and with a parent with multiple joint replacements...yippee.
Shutting Off the Miracle Drug Spigot
(tag: politics, health care)
For those who claim the Gospel of John was written by a group of people - ummm...yes.
(tag: Christianity, Scripture)
Brain Cramps for God: Free...and a Slave
(tag: Christianity, doctrine)
Borrowed Light: Bare Minimum Required
(tag: Christianity, salvation)
Resurgence: What is Scripture?
(tag: Christianity, Scripture)
Denny Burk: Pro-life Conversion at Planned Parenthood (what a difference a picture makes)
(tag: abortion)
Of First Importance: (I like this quote:)
“Spiritual experience that does not arise from God’s word is not Christian experience. . . . Not all that passes for Christian experience is genuine. An authentic experience of the Spirit is an experience in response to the gospel. Through the Spirit the truth touches our hearts, and that truth moves our emotions and effects our wills.”
- Tim Chester and Steve Timmis, Total Church (Wheaton, Ill.; Crossway Books, 2008), 31.
(tag: Christianity, Scripture)
Zero Net-carb Bagels - might be worth a try
(tag: food, low-carb)
White Horse Inn - The Virgin Mary and ECT, a Response from Michael Horton
(tag: Christianity, Evangelicals and Catholics Together)
Another good quote:
"Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle that fits them all." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
(tag: Christianity)
- I like
(tags: Christianity, Reformed, Solas, clothing)
Why Evangelicals Turn to the Church Fathers
(tag: Christianity, church fathers)