Monthly Archives: August 2006


Is it a bad thing to buy your son a car that rolled off the assembly line the same year he did?

Yeah...a 1988 Saab 900. (ok, so Tom was born in 87, but cars are made the year before their model year.

I - YES! ME! I taught my son to drive a stick! (everybody should know how to drive a stick.) I took him to the campus where I work and told him that yes, he would stall. I told him about my learning experience and gave him the basics. And then I just let him drive. Everybody but maintenance goes home at 3:30 so it was quiet and he did really well.

He's a little disappointed because I don't want him to drive it in the city until he's a little more confident with shifting - and it doesn't have a license plate yet - I can't get a copy of the insurance, so I can't get a plate.

But I think he's happy...

So am I.


What a yummy topic! Fetch a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy the lineup for this week's Carnival of Beauty; the Beauty of Chocolate:

Amanda from following an unknown path makes a few chocolate confessions.

Keziah decides that chocolate is actually good for our bodies and souls! Read "The Beauty of Chocolate: The Divine Drink" at her blog, "A Woman who Fears the Lord."

After giving up chocolate for two years in a row for Lent, Michele at Chasing Contentment has a new perspective on her favorite food and her Cocoa Haze.

Loni at "Finding JOY in the Morning" shares the Beauty of Chocolate as a sign of pregnancy when she cannot eat chocolate .

"It calls, so we dance then at the dawn I need bigger pants." Blair has great difficulty finding the beauty in Chocolate. To her it is an epic battle between moderation and overindulgence as she scribbles The Lure of the Cocoa Bean.

Deb at Mountain Musings recently ate her first Dove Dark Chocolate and discovered it was good for your health but then decided to stick with her daughter's often-baked chocolate delights. Read more in "Got Chocolate?"

And last, Ellen at MzEllen & Co. waxes historical in "mmmmm...chocolate...", remembering that people have been enjoying chocolate for 2,000 years!

1 Comment

Reformed theology has a term: monergism. The Century Dictionary defines it as follows:

"In theology, the doctrine that the Holy Spirit is the only efficient agent in regeneration - that the human will possesses no inclination to holiness until regenerated, and therefore cannot cooperate in regeneration."

We are slaves to sin, nobody comes to the Father unless the Father calls them. Through regeneration, we are given the ability to have faith, to repent, to turn to Christ - all of this is a gift, it is not of ourselves.

The other part of the equation is also not of ourselves - grace, salvation and justification.

What we all know is that salvation is the beginning of God's work in our life. At salvation we are justified - declared right with God. Beyond that, God continues to work in our life, to "grow" us, make us mature - we are being sanctified. This is what the James (the New Testament writer) means when he says, "faith without works is dead".

Justified: dikaioo {dik-ah-yo'-o}

1) to render righteous or such he ought to be

2) to show, exhibit, evince, one to be righteous, such as he is and wishes himself to be considered

3) to declare, pronounce, one to be just, righteous, or such as he ought to be

Romans 3:28
For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law.

Sanctified: hagiazo {hag-ee-ad'-zo}

1) to render or acknowledge, or to be venerable or hallow

2) to separate from profane things and dedicate to God

a) consecrate things to God

b) dedicate people to God

3) to purify

a) to cleanse externally

b) to purify by expiation: free from the guilt of sin

c) to purify internally by renewing of the soul

Hebrews 10:14
For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.

What are these things - what is the difference?

To be justified

(in secular terms) means to be declared free of blame, absolved, to be freed of the guilt and penalty attached to grievous sin. Used of God. ( is if we are standing in a court room and Christ is our mediator. He stand before the judge and declares us freed of the guilt and penalty of our sin. We ARE justified - a proclamation!

There is another definition (and one that fits with Strong's as well) for "justified". " To assure the certainty or validity of" - Strong's says "to show, exhibit, evince, one to be righteous, such as he is and wishes himself to be considered".

In some ways, the book of James appears to contradict salvation by faith - what happens if we use this definition written out (although a close paraphrase will need to be used, for grammar's sake)?

"Was not Abraham our father 'assured of the certainty' by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar?"

I have to ask a couple of questions

- Who was assured? Not God - He knew what the outcome would be.
- Assured of what? Not only was Abraham assured that he (Abraham) would stand, he was also assured that God would provide.

HERE IS A VERY IMPORTANT POINT: When we think about which defintion to use ("freed of guilt" vs. "to assure the certainty of"), remember this:

  • This was not a salvation experience. God was not declaring Abraham righteous, He was announcing Abraham's obedience.
  • Abraham's "salvation experience" had happened more than a decade earlier, when the Abrahamic Covenant was sealed.

In a very real way, Abraham's faith was declared/vindicated/proven/assured on that day. We each go through these experiences, when our faith is proven - to ourselves and to others. They are most often not as dramatic as Abraham's experience on that mountain, but to us, they are just as real.

To be Sanctified

There is no secular definition that I could find - but from reading the definitions from Strong's - it is an ongoing process. Read the verse I gave - "Those who are being sanctified."

Let's go back to monergism. God will not regenerate, save, justify us and then just leave us to our own devices! No! Of course not.

He continues to work in our lives.

Benjamin Warfield says,

" Sanctification (from Lat. sanctificatio [deriv, of sanctificare, sanctify; sanctus, holy + facere, make], trans. of Gr. hagiazien, hallow, make holy, deny, of hagios, holy) is the work of God’s grace by which those who believe in Christ are freed from sin and built up in holiness. In Protestant theology it is distinguished from justification and regeneration, both of which lie at its root, and from neither of which is it separable in fact; inasmuch as the term justification is confined to the judicial act or sentence of God, by which the sinner is declared to be entitled, in consideration of what Christ has done in his behalf, to the favor of God, and of which sanctification is the efficient execution; and the term regeneration is confined to the initial efficient act by which the new life is imparted, of which sanctification is the progressive development. Both regeneration and justification are momentary acts, and acts of God in which the sinner is passive; sanctification, on the other hand, is a progressive work of God, in which the sinner co-operates.

Sanctification, therefore, is the process by which the Holy Spirit does His work in our hearts and lives to make us sanctified. I am a long, long way from "there" - but Jesus works in me daily.

This means that I AM SAVED. Period. And yet, that is not all there is. If my faith is real, if I am "regenerate", there will be more - God continues.

As James said, "Faith without works is dead" - I have a live faith and I am justified and I am being sanctified.

The same article by Warfield tells us that the Reformed and Lutheran views of sanctification include:

    (1) We are still dependent on God, yet we are able to co-operate with Him.

    (2) The means of sanctification are either internal, Through such as faith and the co-operation of the regenerated will with grace, or external, such as the word of God, sacraments, prayer, Christian fellowship, doing good works, and the providential discipline of our heavenly Father.

    (3) Through sanctification, the Spirit gradually completes the work of moral purification commenced in regeneration. The work has two sides: (a) the cleansing of the soul from sin and (b) the spiritual growth of the Christian.

    (4) The work proceeds with various degrees of thoroughness during life, but is never finished this side of the grave.

There are denominations/theories that do not agree with this view.

1. Pelagianism says that a man is perfect who obeys the laws of God to the measure of his present natural ability. This means that if you are doing your best, that is good enough. This leaves God out of the equation.

2. Mysticism tells us that perfection consists of "becoming one with God" - this may be attained by anyone through persistent detachment of self and meditation on God.

3. Roman Catholicism and similar denominations (it appears to me) seek to see justification and sanctification as parts of the whole. They teach an initial grace, after that salvation must be earned, with conformity to the law of God; attained by means of meritorious works and penances, prayers, fasts, acts of voluntary self-denial, and ecclesiastical obedience and we can merit this perfection for ourselves.

4. The Wesleyan/Arminian theory of sanctification - I am not sure that I agree with the article, primarily because within Arminianism/Wesleyanism there is a broad range of views on this. What I can tell you is that whenever sanctification is seen as a work of human hearts and not the work of the Holy Spirit, legalism abounds.


We cannot have sanctification unless we are first justified. If we go through life without growth (sanctification) our justification was not real.

Justification and sanctification are two very different things, and yet they go hand in hand in the lives of believers. You cannot have one without the other.

Another link to read: John Piper.


I can't look at blogspot blogs at work (it's ok if we surf appropriately on our break).

Seriously - blogger is WEIRD! It doesn't matter what blog I got to, I get the same blog (but a different blog every day).

Yesterday, it was a photo blog of an extremely(!!!) pregnant woman and today it's a "dstien" - apparently a missionary (Dave Stienstra) to Nicaragua.

I can follow a link to a blogger blog and it takes me to the right page, but when I go to the home page, it goes to Dstien's blog. I type in an address and it takes me to the same blog.

I don't know why it would do this, and it's very consistent.

Just kind of weird.


A while ago (several years) we went to see an exhibit at the Field Museum in Chicago on "The History of Chocolate". I was amazed! We are not the only ones who see chocolate as something "sacred". 😉

(The exhibit will be available through 2011!)

I discovered that people have been growing and using chocolate for nearly 2,000 years! (That's beautiful)

The people of Central American and Mexico not only used Cacao (chocolate) as a drink to enjoy (although they did not grow "sugar", so it was a more of a bitter drink, like coffee), they used it for ceremonial purposes - and it was so valuable that they used cacao seeds as money.

If you dare... 😉 take the chocolate quiz...

For us, today - we just like chocolate. (My daughter got some "creme brule white chococlate" - wonderful!) We like it white, milky, dark, extra-dark, solid, liquid and anywhere in between. Sometimes I think that chocolate will make just about anything taste better. A lot of people add cocoa to their chili recipe. We get chocolate from (and give chocolate to) our sweeties - including our parents and kids.

At the risk of offending anybody, this is one of my favorite ways to consume chocolate:

Yes. Chocolate beer.
If anybody out there enjoys an cold brew once in a while, this is very dark (VERY dark). but very smooth...Yes. It surprised me - I bought it out of curiousity, thinking it would be terrible...but I have two favorites, this one and another with chocolate's a beautiful thing.


I've put a very long post on a very long keep it easily accessible.

Once in a while something happens that makes me examine myself and my blog - and also makes me take a look at the blogs I read. If a blog is not uplifting - even if it’s informative - if a blog tempts me to anger, to bad speech, to bad attitudes, I should stop reading it. (an example is one of the blogs that I have purposefully stopped reading - except for the weekly 24 synopsis during the season. It’s a politically oriented group blog and - while it’s entertaining, it appeals to my flesh. I found myself slipping into the attitudes and language; I didn’t like it, so I stopped reading.)

When I have a “hand in” making a conversation go bad, whether on my blog or (especially) on another, that is cause for self-examination.

I invite you to read the whole thing...(sorry, I guess you can stop reading at the "Harris Twins" section" to get a real idea of where I am coming from.


Yes, this is a very long page. But I am sincere in offering these "rules"

(I turned off comments on the page, but if you want to comment, the post directing you here is here.)


When I have a "hand in" making a conversation go bad, whether on my blog or (especially) on another, that is cause for self-examination. This self-examination comes with a renewed determination to do things "better" next time.

I have a "rough draft" of rules to blog by - I will probably always call it "rough" because I'll need to be able to add to it as a lifelong process. I am by no means perfect - or even close. People have on occasion have called me on it, either privately or on line. I do my best to examine and repent, as needed. Sometimes I feel strongly enough that I "cannot recant" - these are primarily in areas of faith - although if you mess with my kids, all bets are off. 😉

Yes, some of these rules are formed (for me) by the behavior of others. Yes, I am going to use examples, only not by name. Some of these rules are formed (for me) by my own behavior. Yes, you'll probably recognize me.

First off, before the "real" rules, I want to make a couple of things clear.  There are two reasons that I close comments:

  • Personal slams, insults and denigrations.  Debates can be "heated" without being nasty.  Unbased personal accusations have no place here.
  • I know that my God has already won the battle - it is won, whether or not I enter into "this one". There are times when I get to the point where is it more important for me to win, than it is to glorify God. That is when I either back out, back off, or (on my blog) shut it down. It's not because I'm "losing", it's because I'm doing it for the wrong reason.

The "Short List"

  • Adhere to the Harris Twins' Commenting Guidelines, here on my site and here on theirs.
  • Read and be familiar with my personal objectives and expectations. Yes, I do expect people who call themselves Christians to follow Biblical guidelines.  If a you insist on behaving in a way that is offensive, you will be asked to repent of your attitude before commenting again.  If you repeat, I will take whatever steps are available to me that I need to.
  • Don't expext answers to leading questions. However, don't let questions "pile up". Answer questions before asking new ones of your own (exception: if your answer depends on the answer to another)

I primarily use the ESV Bible translation

You can use the search tool here:

Lookup a word or passage in the Bible
Include this form on your page


    The official statement is: Major Gregory J. Fester, 41, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, died on August 30, 2005, in Iskandariyah, Iraq, where an improvised explosive device detonated near his dismounted patrol. Fester was a reservist assigned to the U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

    He was building schools for Iraqi children. Gregory Fesker left behind his wife, three kids and his mom.

    His daughter writes: "To Mommy, Megan, and Peyton, You all have so much to bed proud of, Dad lives through all of us. I see his smiling face in each of you every day. Dad you are my true hero and I will never ever forget the amazing sixteen years you gave me, you were always there, and I cant wait to see you again some day. Jenni"

    He was killed six days before his 18th wedding anniversary, leaving behind his wife, Julie and their three children.

    His wife writes: "My Beloved Gregory How I miss you every minute of the day. You were my soul mate and I thank you for the best 18 years of marriage that could be. I see you in our three loving children and I can't wait to run to you in heaven and talk with you. You were my "Lory" and I was your "Jo." I so wanted to have a reunion with you after this war , just like after Desert Storm. You are forever our Hero in everything you did here on earth for us as a loving husband, father, soldier, friend, and businessman. You always went above and beyond and put others first. You never faltered in your faith and left behind a great legacy for all of us to strive for. I always wanted to be just like you, and in your kind way you told me the same. How I miss you so. I wonder what your doing now? Love, Julie xoxoxoxo

    I could tell you that Gregory Fester's awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Army Commendation Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster, the Army Achievement Medal, one Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, the Valorous Unit Award, the National Defense Service Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal with three Bronze Service Stars, Kuwaiti Liberation Medal, the Iraqi Campaign Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, and the Parachutist Badge.

    But that's not what makes him the man. The army is not who will miss him; this is:

    Thank you for your sacrifice - all of you.